Annual Health Checks

Are you or someone you care about a young person with special needs in the UK? If so, understanding the ins and outs of annual health checks is essential. IN this guide, we explain the what, when & how for annual health checks
Carly’s Group – A Year On

Ever thoughts about starting a SEND youth group? Carly did just that, and here she shares her tips on how to get started yourself.
Tips for going to a gig

Carly loves going to concerts & has seen Busted 3 times! She shares her top tips for buying tickets, planning your trip and enjoying the concert
Triathlon Time With Carly

Find out all about the Superhero Triathlon, as Carly prepares to take part again…
Bowling with Carly

Carly talks about organising her first group bowling trip and shares her top tips for bowling with a disability.
Self-Advocacy with Carly

Carly Blake is a young disabled person who is making a difference in her home county of Hampshire.
As part of a Self-Advocacy group, she to helps determine policy and guides for young disabled people. Here, Carly shares her experiences and contribution to positive changes for disabled young people.