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Welcome to the Young People’s Hub

A place to learn about yourself & others

If you’re 13-25 with SEND, this is a place where you can learn, share & grow!

From online groups, travel tips, learning new skills, talking to friends or being creative, the sky’s the limit at the Hub!

a group of friends meeting

What's on the site?

Here at Kids Young People’s Hub, we believe in the power of young people with disabilities and/or SEND to inspire, create, and lead. 


Latest Stories

Hear from young people, just like you, as they share their best tips and experiences with us.

going to the movies with friends

Our groups

Come and join our groups and learn while doing fun activities. 

Anxiety Questions

Hear from our mental health expert, James, as he answers your anxiety questions

Our story highlights

Autistic burnout can be tough. Tasks that used to be easy become really hard, and you might feel physically &
In this film, we explore if there's a link between anxiety and SEND for young people. One of our young
living with anxiety - a film by Kids
When you have SEND and anxiety, you can feel very stressed and alone. In this film, Charlie shares his tips

What else can you find here?

We have so much fun stuff to explore in the Young People’s Hub. Whether you want to learn on your own or chat with others, there’s everything you could want. 

Whether you’re exploring new interests or looking to stay informed and inspired, our posts are crafted by you and for you. Dive in to discover more!

We run a whole host of free, online groups, that cover everything from self-care to zumba and photography!

Perfect for anytime you fancy, and whatever mood you’re in, we have meditations and activities to do in the comfort of your own home.

And there are many ways to get involved… from adding to the gallery, sharing a story, or joining a youth voice team, the choice is yours.

Want to learn about services that are close to you?

Type in your postcode to find your Local Offer and your local SENDIASS service.all.