Kids Young Peoples Hub



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Young Carers


Five young people pose in front of a sign saying Secrets of the Deep.

What is a young carer?

A young carer is someone, under the age of 19 years, who provides unpaid care and support to a family member who has a long term illness, disability, or who is misusing a substance.

Young people with caring responsibilities may find themselves helping with activities such as bathing, dressing, cooking and cleaning for the relative.

There is also often a lot of sibling care involved. This may mean walking siblings to school, sorting packed lunches, collecting siblings from activity groups, helping them get dressed and preparing their meals, too.

These demands can mean young carers have to juggle school work and limit free time for socialising, which can lead to feelings of stress, isolation, and overwhelm.

This BBC report offers an insight into the life of a young carer.

What we do

At KIDS we provide a service for young carers in the Fareham and Gosport area.

We run regular clubs where young carers can safely talk about how they feel, meet other young carers, get support, advice and information, as well as have some fun away from their caring responsibilities.

We also provide holiday activities and occasional weekends away. The service also provides accessible links to youth counselling and other agencies who can give expert advice and information on all issues that affect young carers.

“It’s the best thing ever!”

Young carer

Two young people playing pool

Take part

If you are a young carer in the Hampshire area, or are seeking support for someone who is, please feel free to get in touch. We may be able to help directly, or sign post to one of our partners in the area.

Young people playing cards

Support for Service Families

With the generous support of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity, KIDS can provide additional support for young carers who have a close family member who is currently serving, or whose families include a member who has a service history with the Royal Navy or the Royal Marines, regardless of where in England they are based.

Royal Navy and Marines charity logo

If you are a young carer in a family with a close family member service, or with a history of service, in the Royal Navy or Royal Marines, or are seeking support for someone who is, we would love to hear from you and chat about what assistance we might be able to offer.

“Great for service families!”

Young carer

Young people playing cards

Get in touch

If you would like to find out about our services, ask us a question, or take part then please email and we’ll get right back to you!


  • Preferred Name: Órla
  • Role at KIDS: Wellbeing co-ordinator.
  • About me: I run the online well-being groups and a group in Wandsworth. I am also a playworker! I have a background in Art therapy. 
  • Fun facts: I love different wheels! I have roller-skates, a surf-skate board and a bike. 


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