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hospital food tray

At Work with Annabel

Having a job with SEND might feel a little daunting for some young people. So Annabel, a 22 year old who's been at her job since February 2023, shares her tips for you & talks about a typical working day for her.

Hi Annabel, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I’m 22 years old and I’m from Pontefract in West Yorkshire.

I was born with a heart condition called Tetralogy of Fallot. It meant that I needed an operation when I was a baby, but I’m still prone to irregular heart beats now. I also have Chromosone 4q deletion and SEND. 

hospital food tray

Tell us more about your job

I work in a hospital in Wakefield as a Housekeeper in the Discharge Lounge. It’s where patients go before they are sent home. Some patients are there for a couple of days, some for a couple of weeks.

I clean tables, serve meals, make drinks & fill jugs up, and I take the bins out. It’s just a really good job, I really enjoy it.

Do you work with other people? 

Yes, there’s a team of housekeepers that I’m part of. But on my ward there’s a Domestic cleaner too. Domestics clean the floor & room, whilst Housekeepers like me clean the tables.

How did you find your job?

I was part of a scheme called Project Search. Once I’d finished college I went there. They help you get work experience to see what kind of jobs you might be good at and might enjoy. I got to try housekeeping and really loved it, so knew it was something I’d want to do. 

hospital ward

How did you apply for your job?

My work experience with Project Search was housekeeping at Pinderfields Hospital, but they helped me apply for this role I’m in now.

I actually went for another role to start with. Sadly, I didn’t get it, as there were certain requirements & skills I didn’t quite meet. But I didn’t let it affect me, I tried to keep my spirits up. 

And then the hospital said there was another job that might be a good fit instead. So I went for a trial run for a week as a housekeeper and I got it, so it all worked out well!

How long have you been there?

I started in late February this year, so almost 8 months now. I work Monday to Fridays, for 3 hours each afternoon.

cleaning a table

How do you get to work?

I get a lift to the bus stop, and then take the bus to the hospital. It’s about a 20 minute ride.

And then coming home, I get the bus back and get picked up from the bus stop. 

Do you take food to work?

Yes, I do sometimes, if I’m wanting to have a snack. The vending machines are quite expensive for drinks, so I’ll take water with me. It’s better to be prepared. There’s a break room where I can go to have a drink or a snack, and talk to other staff on shift.

an elderly lady in hospital

How do you get paid?

The hospital pays me monthly, and it goes into my bank account. It’s good knowing that I have a regular amount being paid. It was easier than I’d thought to setup.

What do you love most about your job?

Talking to the people on the ward, I’d say. A lot of them have interesting stories, or are just kind or funny people. Some of them are on the ward for a few weeks so it’s nice to see the same people and get to know them better.

And you can read all about Annabel’s work experience journey here.

I clean tables, serve meals, make drinks… It’s just a really good job, I really enjoy it


Annabel’s Top 5 Work Tips

Take a drink or snack with you to save money, as vending machines are expensive.

Open a bank account. You can get a parent or carer to help you with the forms.

Wear comfy shoes, as you may have to travel or be on your feet a lot.

Plan your travel to and from work, and leave enough time to get there.

Enjoy making friends. You’ll meet other team members who will hopefully be really nice and support you.

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