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Focus on Positivity

Let’s take a moment to focus on the good things in life

What are we going to do in this activity?

This activity is all about noticing the good things in your life and sharing that positivity with others. 

It doesn’t mean ignoring challenges of pretending everything is perfect – life can be tough sometimes.

Instead, it’s about finding moment of joy or things to appreciate, even on those harder days. Feeling and spreading positivity can make you feel happier and can brighten someone else’s day, too!

Before we start

Grab a pen & paper or your phone

You can write or type your thoughts, or just think about them if you prefer

Take Deep Breaths​

Choose somewhere you can sit and refelct for a few minutes

Lets get started


Think of 3 Good Things

Write down or think of 3 things that made you smiles today or this week. It could be something big or small.

Maybe it was having a tasty snack, talking to a friend, hearing a favourite song, putting on your cosiest jumper…


Focus on someone else

Think of one person who makes you feel good. Or it could be a pet. What do you appreciate about them? Write it down, or tell them.


Smile to yourself

Even a small smile can help you feel better. Take a deep breath and smile for a moment


Spread kindness

Do one kind thing – send a nice message, compliment someone, help our around the house, offer to help a friend, smile to yourself lots…


Reflect on the Feeling

Pause, and notice how thinking about positive things or helping someone made you feel.

You did it !

Remember, positivity can be small things

Challenge time

If you’ve completed this activity, and would like to challenge yourself further, you could start a Positivity Journal where you write down 1 good thing each day.

Make a list of positive affirmations, like ” I am kind”, “I am strong”, or ” I can do great things”. Read them to yourself when you need a boost and a friendly word.

How did thinking about positive things make you feel?
What was the kind thing, and how did the person respond?
Did you see something good in your day you hadn't noticed before?

Well done for trying the positivity activity – we hope it helps.

Other activities to try

Body Scan

Take some time to relax and feel calm with a body scan. This activity helps you notice how your body feels, from your head to your toes.

Sensory Exploration

Let’s go on a sensory adventure! This activity is all about exploring different textures, smells, and sounds using items from around your home.


In this activity, you’ll take time to focus on what makes you great and practice showing yourself care and kindness.