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living with anxiety - a film by Kids

Film: Living with Anxiety

When you have SEND and anxiety, you can feel very stressed and alone. In this film, Charlie shares his tips on living with anxiety with SEND, and how you can learn to live life to the fullest.

Living with anxiety

Charlie is one of our young people with SEND, who was house-bound for 4 years with anxiety.

Gradually, step-by-step, Charlie started leaving his home and venturing out into the world. His advice is invaluable to any young person out there who may be suffering with anxiety, too.

Watch his film to find out more, and hear his tips for living with anxiety.

Next steps

We hope this film has helped you if you’re living with anxiety. 

Charlie has also talked with a mental health specialist, James, to get more info on anxiety for you – you can watch that film here.

We’d like to thank Charlie’s family and Coffee Barker in Bracknell for their help and support in making this film.

Charlie's Top Tips

Reach out for help at any time to friends and family.

Try not to pressure yourself

Find something you enjoy doing or learning about.

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