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employed with SEND

Film: In the Workplace with SEND

Finding a job when you have SEND can often be an uphill struggle. So in this film we follow Charlie, a young person in the workplace with SEND. He shares his tips and experiences through a typical working day at the lovely Marwell Zoo.

What work is like

Getting a job as a young person with SEND, might seem quite daunting. But there can be lots of extra assistance and inclusion in many workplaces…

So we followed Charlie, one of our young people with SEND, for a full day at his work, the exciting Marwell Zoo.

We see how Charlie prepares at home, watch his interactions & work at the Zoo, and we speak to his colleagues about inclusion in the workforce for those with SEND.

What work is like

We hope this film has helped you see a little more about the support available in the workplace for those with SEND. 

We’d really like to thank the lovely team art Marwell Zoo for allowing us to come and film Charlie, and for their support in helping make the workplace an inclusive place for all.

You can visit Marwell Zoo and find out more about what they do here –

Charlie's Top Tips

In the film, Charlie gave his advice for enjoying & thriving in your job:

There are Access to Work schemes to help you travel to and from the workplace.

Having a job is a great way to earn your own money.

Your employer can support you with your needs, so let them know what can help you.

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