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Youth voice

Southern Young People’s Participation Team

Do you live in Hampshire, West Sussex, and the surrounding area?

The Southern Young People’s Participation Team is made up of young people aged 13-25 years with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)

We meet one Saturday a month in Cosham.

The aim of the group is to make new friends, have fun and learn about what affects us and tell others what we want; to have our voices heard.

What sort of things does the group do?

We take part in national matters that might affect you. For example, we work with the Department for Education to include the voice of young people in creating and improving policy.

We learn new skills to help you deliver your story and support with training and workshops.

There is the opportunity for young people to travel across the country with the team and deliver training/workshops to professionals and/or young people about participation, making sure young people with SEND are being listened to. It’s ok if you’re not confident, we are here to support you to develop your confidence and skills in all different areas.

What’s in it for me?

  • Become more independent
  • Learn new skills
  • Feel empowered
  • Make new friends
  • Improve your self-esteem and grow in confidence

If you need support, you can bring a supporter or PA.

Check out the South YPPT video here 

This how young people feel when they are being listened to……

Get involved

There are lots of places you can get involved and have your voice hear. 

Contact us

Do you want to get involved with the southern young people’s participation team? Want to ask us a question? Either send us an email at or fill out the from below.