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Behind The Scenes – with Toby and Lainey

Pupils from Exhall Grange school.

Lainey & Toby, two students at Exhall Grange school, were part of our Employment film production team. We discovered what their roles involved, and what happened behind the scenes.

Bowling with Carly

going bowling with a disability

Carly talks about organising her first group bowling trip and shares her top tips for bowling with a disability.

Behind The Scenes – with Lucy

filming for the hidden disability film

Lucy has additional hearing needs and shares about life with cochlear implants. She talks about being in our ‘Hidden Disabilities’ film.

Film: Hidden Disabilities

filming for the hidden disability film

In this film we meet four pupils from Exhall Grange Specialist School in Coventry.
Each of them has a hidden disability and they share their experiences of being treated differently or being treated badly because of how others perceive them.

Film: Finding Employment with SEND

Filming the Employment film

Leaving school and getting a job is a big change. It’s natural to feel nervous, so we find out what it’s like finding a job & being in work.

Eastleigh FC with Charlie

Charlie is one of the young people at KIDS who’s an active member of the Southern Participation Group. Charlie a young people at KIDS lives in Southampton and supports Eastleigh FC. We caught up with him to find out more about a typical match day for some on with a disability.

Self-Advocacy with Carly

Carly sits in a dentist's chair smiling

Carly Blake is a young disabled person who is making a difference in her home county of Hampshire.
As part of a Self-Advocacy group, she to helps determine policy and guides for young disabled people. Here, Carly shares her experiences and contribution to positive changes for disabled young people.